Talks by Jaye Moyer

These are a few talks that have been offered on the Daily Sit at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies. Please take what is useful and understand this is offered for all faith traditions and secular mindfulness practitioners.


The Five Precepts: a practice of learning how to live well:

  •   •  Precepts are skillful ways of relating to ourselves, each other and the world
  •   •  Each precept has 2 aspects or practices:
    •       –  one of restraint, of letting go of a very human habit or impulse
      that causes harm, and
    •       –  one of cultivation, of nurturing a wise, kind heart that will bring about
      peace of mind.

The Five Precepts are:

I undertake the training to…

  •       …not destroy or harm other living beings,
    and form the intention to bring forth friendliness and compassion.
  •       …not exploit others or any aspect of the environment,
    and form the intention to bring forth loving kindness and generosity.
  •       …not misuse or disrespect living bodies, my own, others, and those of the natural world,
    and form the intention to take responsibility, learn how to protect the safety and integrity of all living beings, and train in respecting myself, others, & the natural world.
  •       …refrain from unwise & unkind speech,
    and form the intention to cultivate loving speech and deep listening for the welfare of all.
  •       …refrain from ingesting intoxicants that lead to carelessness,
    and form the intention to cultivate health–physically, mentally, emotionally–for myself, others, and the world through mindful eating, drinking, and consuming.

June 19th 2024: Here it is! Wanting Mind!

May 20th 2024: Right Listening

February 21 2024: The Suffering Caused by Holding on to Resentment
